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This consultation seeks to clarify how the advertising restrictions for less healthy food and drink apply to internet protocol television (IPTV) which delivers television live over the internet. 

Our proposal is to make clear in the Advertising (Less Healthy Food Definitions and Exemptions) Regulations that Ofcom-regulated IPTV services will be exempted from the online restrictions and only subject to the broadcast restrictions (9pm watershed). We want to ensure that the application of the advertising restrictions to these services is coherent, appropriate and gives clarity to stakeholders.

This consultation does not ask for stakeholders' views on other aspects of the draft secondary legislation, which was consulted on in 2022 and a formal response was published on 12 September 2024.

Please review the full consultation page before completing this survey.

Notes about the survey: 

To share this survey with others, please right click to copy this direct link address and paste it. 

Do not share the page to the survey once you have started it. If you navigate away from the survey, the survey will continue from where you left off as long as you reopen the link in the same browser.

The consultation closes at 11:59pm on Thursday 10 October 2024.